Sunday, February 6, 2011

The new Congress is in place. The American People have spoken. The Libertarians want more personal freedom and less Government in our daily life. The Tea Party want smaller Government and less spending.The American People voted in the last election to say if you don't hear us, you won't get another chance. The Democrats say if the Government cuts spending, some of the Entitlement programs will have to be cut. In essence, Social Security, Student Loans, Medicare, etc. Interestingly enough, each one of these programs was sold to the American People to increase the money the Government has to spend more than to take care of citizens. This allowed the Representatives to increase their power and allowed them to interfere with more of the personal lives.

Social Security is supposed to be a voluntary program. I have yet to have an employer tell me that. Every year it has been "Sign this. and make any changes" Medicaid didn't really address the Medical concerns of the elderly and the impoverished. But the money is taken out of the paycheck. There is one funny part of this with the student loans. The loans pay for college education at a college that takes money from the Government for a number of programs, i e Grants for Research among them. at the same time teaching the students about the flaws in our governmental system and how our Constitution is a "Living document that needs to evolve with the times." I don't agree with that. I believe that our people in Government need to be accountable for their actions and decisions that affect its citizens. All the American people have for the standard for their performance is the Constitution.

Back to the elections, If we really want to limit the size and scope of Government, we need to look locally. if we can get our city and county Government to become less dependent on the State and Federal government. Likewise, the State needs to become less dependent on the Federal government. Therefore, the Federal Government needs less money to operate. Remember this, for every program the Government comes up with it includes new committees for oversight. It also includes four levels of Administration for the program and for every dollar spent, less than .25 cents gets to the end user. So before we can start cutting the spending, lets audit each Department in each level of Government and see exactly where we can spend the money more efficiently.